Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Out and About

Still struggling with this camera. I look at others cameras and the wonderful sharp images and wonder why I can't achieve that. Others with the same camera are. Only a few on mine have so far. I'm still hoping its that thing about old dogs learning new tricks.... and I can. I'm finding that not only are gardeners really wonderful, friendly helpful people, but also photographers. Most are so willing to answer any questions you might ask. I think first you have to know enough to know which questions to ask. I've waited 3 years to choose which camera and now that I have it, apparently expect instant success. LOL

These are some of the most beautiful red roses I've ever seen. Most roses in Florida have to be grafted onto a floribunda type rootstock.. These are dark red with an incredible fragrance and will last 7 to 10 days inside in water. I love these roses and wish I knew the name of the variety.

Hibiscus, Turk's Cap. Someone said that most of the original homesteads in Florida had a bush of this variety. I love them especially when the sun shines up through the blossom. My daughter doesn't care for them and chops them down at every opportunity. They've rewarded her with covering themselves in blooms this year.
And another hibiscus. I think someone said this was called Fancy Lady.
This was such an odd site - hundreds of wood ibis lines up as though waiting for handouts at the back of a field.
Beautiful bird - a Sparrow Hawk. I think he was browsing for brunch as I watched him.
This is "Charmie" One of my daughter's horses. She has a mind of her own and is a bit stubborn, but beautiful.

I can't believe people going shopping at the crack of dawn, let alone camping out as these people did the day before at Best Buy in town!

1 comment:

Kerri said...

I think your photos are beautiful. They look nice and sharp to me! Morning light is the best according to the experts. Bright sunlight is more difficult. You might try using a 'cloudy' white balance.
How still you hold the camera has a lot to do with the sharpness of the image, or if the subject moves that will blur the image too (i.e. a flower in the breeze).
I expected instant success too...and it takes so long to learn about all the different features...and then lots of practice. You sound so much like me :)
The process is fun though. Enjoy!
That Fancy Lady is fabulous!!
I wish I could smell those beautiful roses. Goodness, fancy chopping down those lovely Turk's Caps.
Charmie is gorgeous. That's a great photo!
I love your little sparrow hawk too. Ours are hard to catch with the camera.
Thanks for sharing all the beauty!!! I need to see bright blooms while the weather is cold outside!