It makes me think how often we miss the most important things because we're seeing only the big undetailed picture. I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions, although the beginning of a new year always makes me want to make big changes. One thing I'd like to change is noticing the details of the people I love. I'd like to make sure I notice and applaud even those small wonderful things.
I planted a package of Magellan Zinnias because of the raves on Garden Web, Florida. After so many years of failing to garden .. I thought about the seeds and harvest. If you never plant those seeds they are not going to give you any blooms. I have so many seed packets just waiting to contact earth and show what they can do. I continue to buy and not plant seeds fairly often. This year was a change. I planted many tomato seeds... and have only 4 living plants, but that's 4 MORE plants than I would have if the seeds remained in their packets.
We have two choices to get to the drugstore, grocery store, etc. Down the main roads or through the nearby park. When the weather is great for gardening but you know the frosts are coming, it gives you the perfect excuse to spend a bit of time at the park. There are always so many things to see, particularly at dinnertime when most of the fishermen have gone home. One is the "Common" Egret.. I love the way they can stretch their neck out, or tuck it in and look like two totally different birds. There was an egret and a Limpkin together this night. I loved how the reflections in the water and the background nearly made the bird disappear from sight. Wonderful camouflage.
I think I love some words. This otherwise rather plain looking bird is just that, plain. Giv ehim a wonderful name like Limpkin and he becomes interesting. He's mainly a wading bird, constantly stirring up meals as he walks along. The egret remains motionless over and over, apparently waiting for his meals to become 'careless'.
One of the sweetest things in all the local lakes are the "marsh hens" or gallinules. They are constantly 'talking' among tghemseles. They seem to be very social animals and usually seem mesmerized by their own reflections. Wonderful addition to every shoreline.